Between Two Castles: Essential Edition (PREORDER)

Between Two Castles: Essential Edition (PREORDER)


Between Two Castles Essential Edition

Between Two Castles Essential Edition is a competitive drafting, tile-placement game for 1-8 players designed by Ben Rosset and Matthew O'Malley. It plays in about 45-60 minutes.

The Essential Edition combines the original game and the Secrets & Soirees expansion.


The king demands a castle! You are a world-renowned master builder who has been asked by the Mad King Ludwig to help design his castles. Projects of such significance require the expertise of more than one person, so for each assignment you are paired with another master builder to execute your grandiose plans. Will your planning and partnership skills be enough to design the most impressive castles in the world?

Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig is a competitive tile-drafting game in which each tile is a room in a castle. You work together with the player on your left to design one castle, and with the player on your right on another castle. On each turn you select two tiles from your hand, reveal them, then work with your partners to place them.

At the end of the game, each castle is scored. Your personal final score is the lower of the scores of the two castles you helped design, and the player with the highest final score wins the game. To win, you have to share your attention and your devotion between two castles.

Game Components:

  • 194 regular room tiles
  • 16 secret room tiles
  • 64 specialty room tiles
  • 8 throne room tiles
  • 48 regular room type tokens
  • 28 royal attendants
  • 28 bonus cards
  • 8 player aid cards
  • 8 wooden castle tokens
  • 1 scorepad

Automa Components:

  • 24 Automa cards
  • 4 room type cards
  • 1 double-sided turn order card
  • 3 double-sided player aid cards

Expected release date is Mar 7th 2025 - Image, contents, and release date are subject to change without notice.

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