Dungeon Alliance
William Bricker, Víctor Pérez Corbella, Biagio D'Alessandro, Manolis Frangidis (Μανώλης Φραγγίδης), Christopher Guild, Agri Karuniawan, Konrad Langa, Evgeni Maloshenkov, Nikita Nanako, Chechu Nieto, Mirco Paganessi, Jim Parks, Juelle Quilantang, Unique Litani Soparie, Nicoleta Stavarache, Jessada Sutthi, Andy Zazzera
Dungeon Alliance is a deck-building, dungeon-crawling miniatures adventure game that allows players to send 1 - 4 different teams of adventurers into perilous dungeons in search of experience and treasure. There are options for competitive, cooperative, and solo play! At the start of the game, each player drafts his or her own team of four heroes and uses tactical movement and cardplay to overcome the dungeon's monsters and acquire treasures. Rival teams may compete with one another to slay monsters, or even battle one another for complete domination.