Invisible Sun RPG: Vislae Kit

Invisible Sun RPG: Vislae Kit
Invisible Sun RPG: Vislae KitInvisible Sun RPG: Vislae Kit

Invisible Sun RPG: Vislae Kit

The Black Cube contains everything a full gaming group needs to play a complete Invisible Sun narrative, including all the materials for the players as well as GM. But sometimes the players want their own stuff. And although the Black Cube contains multiple character tomes, grimoires, and other consumable components, GMs and players alike may want additional copies.

The Vislae Kit is a player companion to the Invisible Sun game, containing all the stuff a single player may want. The custom Invisible Sun dice, a Sooth Deck, a grimoire pad, character tomes for each order, tokens, and more come in a very cool box that is practically a collector’s item in its own right. It’s a great buy for players who want their own game materials, or groups that want to keep their Black Cube in pristine condition.

The Vislae Kit contains:

  • A set of the beautiful Invisible Sun dice
  • The Sooth Deck
  • Character tomes for each order (including apostates)
  • A grimoire pad
  • Character reference sheets
  • Bene and vex markers
  • The Weaver aggregate deck
  • A complete set of Vance spell cards
  • A counter sheet of condition markers, plus joy, despair, and acumen tokens

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