King Arthur's time is drawing to an end, and he has asked Merlin to help him find a worthy successor. The players take on the role of Knights of the Round Table, competing to see who can gain favor and win the crown. Missions need to be fulfilled, Influence gained in principalities, manors built, and traitors defeated. With the help of the dice, players move their knight, and Merlin, around the action rondel, where every space yields an individual actions.
Includes the expansion module King's Favor.
- 1 Game Board
- 24 Terrain Tiles
- 2 Terrain Frames
- 4 Starting Tiles
- 55 Mission Cards
- 36 Shields
- 36 Flags
- 36 Construction Material
- 24 Traitors
- 11 Apples
- 1 Grail
- 1 Excalibur
- 12 Merlin's Staff
- 28 Manors
- 1 Sticker Sheet
- 16 Henchman Tokens
- 12 Player Dice
- 4 Merlin Dice
- 28 Influence Counters
- 4 Scoring Markers
- 4 Knight Figures
- 1 Merlin Figure
- 1 Game Round Marker
- 4 Castle Boards
- 4 Extra Boards
- 16 Seals
- 4 100-point Marker
- 1 First Player Marker
- 1 Rules Booklet