Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry - Pyre & Flood
This boxed set contains:
– 64-page softcover Warband Tome: Pyre and Flood – with background, artwork, rules, quests, and campaigns for both of the two warbands in the box, as well as the new Idol of the Old Ones terrain
– Ydrilan Riverblades – 10 lithe Lumineth warriors. These multipart plastic miniatures include 1x Pureflood Seneschal, 4x Crestdancers, and 4x Stream-runners, with a variety of weapon and cosmetic options.
– Pyregheists – Eight servants of Nagash. These multipart plastic miniatures include 1x Deacon of Flames, 2x Balefire Guard, 2x Flamewraiths, and 3x Torchwraiths, with weapon and cosmetic options.
– Idol of the Old Ones Scenery – A multipart plastic kit to build the head of a ruined statue in the shape of a Slann.
– 42x battleplan cards – Generate battleplans quickly and easily with 6x terrain cards, 12x deployment cards, 12x victory cards, and 12x twist cards
– 20x warband cards – 3x abilities cards covering both warbands as well as universal abilities, 3x divider cards for tracking damage and fighters, 7x Ydrilan Riverblades fighter cards, and 7x Pyregheists fighter cards
You'll need a copy of the Warcry: Core Book to use the contents of this expansion box.
All miniatures come with appropriate bases.
Miniature(s) are supplied unpainted. Some assembly may be required.